There's a saying at Seva that goes, "It's all done with people." Together, with our community of supporters, we are pursuing our mission to restore sight and prevent blindness in low- and middle-income countries.

We are grateful for our amazing community of supporters, ranging from individual donors, volunteers and advocates for Seva's mission, to the foundations, corporations and institutions that help make our work possible. We invite you to learn more about our supporters below.

Institutional partners

Seva Canada’s institutional partners are a community of health care institutions, initiatives and agencies from around the world. Like Seva, they focus on eye care and blindness prevention.

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Corporate supporters

Our corporate supporters at Seva Canada generously fund eye care programs across the globe. By showing that they are businesses with heart, our friends from the corporate world are making a difference.

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Foundation Supporters

The foundations that support Seva Canada make it possible for us to implement our unique programming around the world, ensuring we can continue to provide life changing eye care to those in need.

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