Donate Stocks and Securities

Maximize the benefits to you and Seva Canada’s programs by directly donating securities. Your gift of appreciated securities will transform lives for those in need and can create tax savings for you.

Gifts of securities to a registered charity is one of the most tax effective ways to give. You can benefit from a donation tax credit and the elimination of the capital gains tax that you would pay if you sold the same shares and donated the proceeds. Your estate can also see these same benefits if you choose to leave a gift of securities in your Will.

Listed securities include stocks, bonds, mutual funds and futures traded on approved stock exchanges in Canada, and major international exchanges. Most securities are held electronically and can be easily transferred to Seva Canada. Upon request, this can be arranged by your Financial Advisor.

By donating appreciated securities, you will receive a tax receipt for the full market value of the securities and you will have the satisfaction of knowing you are helping to restore sight and prevent blindness.

Follow these links for Find more information on making a gift of securities to Seva Canada or download a securities transfer form.

Questions? Contact Erika Kinast

A $50 donation will change a life!

With a $50 donation, you will provide a life-changing cataract surgery to someone in need in a low-income country.


The Legacy of Ram Dass

Ram Dass, born Richard Alpert, was a spiritual teacher who taught about—and lived a life of—love, compassion, and service. The year 2024 marked five years