November 29th is #GivingTuesdayCA - we are spending this day thinking about our amazing supporters and what they have given: sight.

#GivingTuesdayCA is a Canadian movement for giving and volunteering, taking place each year after Cyber Monday. It's a day where charities, companies and individuals join together to share commitments, rally for favourite causes and think about others.


In celebration of #GivingTuesdayCA, here are 5 ways you can #GiveSight:

1. Choose a gift in someone’s honour

With the Gift of Sight catalogue, you get to choose a gift, make a tax-deductible donation, and we will send a beautiful card as a present for a friend, family member, or colleague. This is not just a great gift for a loved one but a powerful gift to one of the 31 million people worldwide, mostly women and girls, who are blind today but don’t have to be.

Choose your gift now.

2. Purchase Gift of Sight Donation cards to send to others

Select one of our packs of 4 Gift of Sight Donation cards featuring gorgeous photos that you can use as a thank you, a gift, or just to say hello. Each card contains a built-in donation of $12.50 for you to give as a gift in honour of friends or family members. By purchasing these cards you’ll contribute to sight restoration and blindness prevention work around the world.

Check out the cards here.

3. Give sight every month

Did you know that for just $150 you can restore the sight of a child? That’s only $12.50 a month. Join our Circle of Sharing as a monthly donor and bring sight and hope to people in need - every month. 

Become a monthly donor today.

4. Shop products with a purpose

Calendars, t-shirts, and journals are just a few of the beautiful products you can buy as a gift for a loved one (or yourself). By purchasing these items, you are helping to transform people’s lives by restoring sight and preventing blindness.

Start shopping.

5. Make a donation and double your impact

Providing intervention to children before the age of 5 or 6 years old is critical to ensuring good vision for life. You can help. In the spirit of the season, a generous Seva donor has offered to match donations before December 31st*, so you can double your impact to reach twice as many children.


Thank you for joining in the #GivingTuesday movement and helping #GiveSight. 

Still have something left to give? Share this post with friends and family on Facebook and Twitter.

*Up to $1,000 to a maximum of $50,000

Sight Stories and News

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