• This Trippy Optical Illusion Can Reveal if You Have 'Curvature Blindness'

    This optical illusion, discovered by experimental psychologist Kohske Takahashi from Japan's Chukyo University in 2017, is called the 'curvature blindness illusion', and it's just another example of how we can't always trust our eyes when we're looking right at something. What do you see? Read our blog to find out if you have curvature blindness (don't worry, this isn't a real medical condition!).

    Blog | February 4th, 2021
  • Trachoma - The Leading Infectious Cause of Blindness

    World Neglected Tropical Disease Day is Saturday, January 30th! Trachoma, the world’s leading infectious cause of blindness, is part of a group of conditions known as neglected tropical diseases or NTDs. Over 137 million people in 44 countries are at risk of trachoma. People suffering with this debilitating NTD are unable to work and care for themselves and their families.

    Blog | January 26th, 2021
  • 20 Things to Know About Children's Eyes and Vision

    As children grow, their eyes change quickly. Careful attention to a child's eye health can help catch problems early, while their eyes are still developing. For 2020: Year of the Eye, the American Academy of Ophthalmology presents 20 important things to know about kids’ eyes.

    Blog | December 16th, 2020
  • Reaching the Unreached Through Women Microfinance Groups in Africa

    Couldn't make it to our Annual General Meeting on November 6th? Luckily, because of potential internet connection issues, we have a pre-recorded version of Peter Kileo's presentation on how we reach people in remote, rural areas with eye care by working with existing women microfinance groups in Africa, that you can watch now! Peter Kileo, is the Program Coordinator and Assistant Director at the Kilimanjaro Centre for Community Ophthalmology, based in Moshi, Tanzania.

    Blog | November 19th, 2020
  • It's All Done With People

    Couldn't make it to the 2020 Annual General Meeting? Not to worry, read Executive Director Penny Lyon's speech on Seva Canada's approach to People-Centered Eye Care.

    Blog | November 9th, 2020
  • Seva Canada is Rated as a Top 100 Charity by Charity Intelligence!

    "Out of all of Canada’s largest charities, these Top 100 highest-rated charities are the elite." We are honoured to once again be recognized by Charity Intelligence as a top 100 charity - an organization donors can trust to use their funds effectively and efficiently to to have the most impact.

    Blog | November 2nd, 2020
  • Overcoming Barriers to Eye Care in Cambodia

    The Eye Health Awareness Sessions has proven remarkably successful in all four provinces supported by Seva Cambodia, more than doubling the number of people, (60% women), visiting screening camps and going on to have cataract surgery!

    Blog | October 2nd, 2020
  • Providing Eye Care in the COVID-19 World

    With the hospitals only providing emergency services and most employees continuing to receive salaries, several opportunities arose for individual and collective program evaluation and learning.

    Blog | September 14th, 2020
  • Synergy Collaborative Health: Care. Comfort. Cure

    Dr. Dave Sinha, founder of Synergy Collaborative Health in Cochrane Alberta, has made an incredibly generous commitment to sponsor a sight-restoring surgery every day and each time a patient accesses a third party aesthetic service at Synergy or an affiliated satellite site. We had the opportunity to talk with Dr. Sinha to learn why medicine and giving back through Seva Canada was so important to him.

    Blog | September 3rd, 2020
  • A Gift that will Transform Kid's Lives in Nepal and Africa for Years to Come!

    Seva Canada received a transformative gift from Mae Runions Pratt-Johnson to honour her late husband, Dr. John Pratt-Johnson. John was a renowned Canadian pediatric ophthalmologist and Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of British Columbia. As a former Seva Canada board member, John raised funds and trained legions of eye care professionals within Canada and internationally. We spoke with Mae to discuss John and his international pediatric ophthalmology work.

    Blog | September 3rd, 2020