• Dandy Contacts Gives Back to Help Kids See!

    Dandy Contacts, Seva Canada's new corporate supporter, was founded by Kathleen Wong in Edmonton in 2019. After her son was born, Kathleen's priorities changed and she resigned from her corporate role to take on a new challenge and start her own company. We recently spoke with Kathleen and learnt a little more about her, Dandy Contacts, and why she decided to support Seva Canada.

    Blog | September 3rd, 2020
  • Beyond 2020: Resetting the Goals

    With the publication of the first World Health Organization World Report on Vision in late 2019, eye care organizations acknowledged that there are significant challenges to meeting current and projected eye care needs worldwide. What will Seva Canada do to narrow the gap?

    Blog | September 1st, 2020
  • Rethinking Global Health Means Including Eye Health

    The world has adopted a new World Health Assembly resolution on Integrated People-centred Eye Care. Countries have agreed today (Aug.4) to adopt a new resolution on vision in an effort to reach the 1 billion people worldwide who do not have access to vital eye care services. We are thankful to the IAPB membership for making this possible

    Blog | August 13th, 2020
  • WHO report sets path to improve universal vision care

    “What’s underpinning inequality in vision care is lack of access, whether it’s a lack of availability of service, accessibility or acceptability,” he said. “We’ll only see lasting and sustainable change when eye care is integrated into our mainstream health systems, whether those systems are public or delivered by the private sector and through the market.” - Peter Holland, CEO of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness

    Blog | August 6th, 2020
  • Give the Gift of Sight this Father's Day!

    “I will be so happy if my father can see. Thank you Seva for your good deed. I hope my father lives forever.” Kebe’s daughter This Father's Day, make dreams come true and give the gift of sight in honour of the father's in your life!

    Blog | June 1st, 2020
  • AAO Unsung Heroes: Martin Spencer, MD

    Ophthalmology has an abundance of unsung heroes who save sight, sometimes overcoming great challenges to deliver medical and surgical eye care. During 2020: Year of the Eye, the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) is featuring stories about some of these heroes. We are beyond proud that Seva Canada Board Member and longtime supporter and eye care innovator, Dr. Martin Spencer is one of those heroes. We've always known Marty was a hero in scrubs!

    Blog | May 29th, 2020
  • Glaucoma – the Silent Blinding Disease

    If left untreated, most types of glaucoma progress, without warning or obvious symptoms to the patient, towards gradually worsening visual damage that could eventually lead to blindness. And if sight is lost to glaucoma, the visual damage is mostly irreversible. This is why glaucoma has also been labeled as the “silent blinding disease” or the “sneak thief of sight”.

    Blog | May 20th, 2020