A Card Caring Donor

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Here at the Seva Canada office, we don’t receive as many phone calls as we used to, as many donors now give online. However, we are often treated to the lovely Irish brogue of one of our long-time donors, Helen, calling to request a tribute card. Helen chooses Seva Canada cards as her way to recognize important events such as birthdays, holidays, weddings, and memorials. Giving the gift of sight in someone’s honour is a way for her to acknowledge the kindness she has received from others, throughout her life.

She doesn’t want much attention, which is why we’re only publishing her first name but we couldn’t resist sharing her story in our newsletter.

Before immigrating to Canada 28 years ago, Helen was a nurse studying tropical diseases in London. After arriving in Canada, she studied social work and spent the remainder of her career volunteering. She believes strongly in education and appreciates Seva’s focus on inclusion of women, girls, and the elderly. In her words: “Without Seva Canada many women and girls may never have the opportunity to receive an education, and ultimately be denied the right to decent employment… The work Seva does may ultimately result in the alleviation or eradication of poverty for many families and communities.”

“Without Seva Canada many women and girls may never have the opportunity to receive an education, and ultimately be denied the right to decent employment… The work Seva does may ultimately result in the alleviation or eradication of poverty for many families and communities.”

And about the cards she so often purchases? 


Helen’s favourite card, “Friendship” was taken by Matt Marek at Boudhanath in Kathmandu, Nepal


“I love Seva Canada’s unique cards! The photos and the stories of the people featured on these cards captures the caring nature of Seva’s work internationally. I appreciate that I can make a donation and request a personalized card be made in honour of someone who has passed away, because this gesture often means so much to the families who are mourning. Seva Canada is one of the few organizations where a volunteer or staff member calls to thank supporters for their donations. My special thanks to Deanne for the hundreds of cards she has mailed to me. I love speaking with each of the staff members in the BC office!”


We love speaking with you too, Helen!

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