Dilumaya, a young girl living in the Sakhuwasava District of Nepal, has gone through challenges that no child should have to face.

Five years ago, when Dilumaya was just 7 years old, she woke up to find her mother gone. Her father was away working in India, and she was alone. When she called out for her mother, there was no response, and she began to cry. A neighbour came to see what was wrong and gently explained to her that her mother had left with someone. She never came back.

Upon hearing what happened, Dilumaya’s father came home. He eventually remarried, but had to leave to work again and Dilumaya now lives with her stepmother and goes to primary school near her house. A few months ago, a Seva-sponsored eye care team came to her school to do an eye screening. They found that Dilumaya could not see out of her right eye and that her vision was very poor in her left eye, and getting worse. She had cataracts.

Like many poor families in developing countries, the cost of cataract surgery was out of reach. Luckily, Dilumaya was able to be transported to a nearby Seva eye camp for surgery, all at no cost.

Dilumaya with sunglasses on after her catarct surgery

Dilumaya with her stepmother after her cataract operation funded by a Seva donor

The day after her operation, Dilumaya was able to see out of her right eye for the first time in years. Her stepmother was overjoyed that her daughter could now thrive like the other kids in their village, and expressed her gratitude over and over to the eye care team.

Cases like Dilumaya’s are common, and the earlier we can diagnose problems like cataract, the better a child's chances are for good vision and a brighter future.

All because of a Seva donor like you. A donation of $150 covered the cost of Dilumaya's cataract surgery, along with the necessary follow-up including prescription glasses.

Screenings in orphanages and schools for eye problems cost even less, only $50. When a pair of glasses costing just $5 can mean the difference between thriving and struggling, isn’t it worth every penny to provide school eye screenings to give children the care they need?

It is because of the generous support of people like you that eye care can be provided and change the lives of children and their families. Give children like Dilumaya the power of sight today.

Early intervention is critical
Providing care to children before the age of 5 or 6 years old is critical to ensuring good vision for life. Without proper care, children like Dilumaya will struggle in school, be dependent on a caregiver, and face life-long challenges.

1.4 million children worldwide suffer from blindness
80% of blindness is avoidable by prevention or treatment. Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness, limiting children’s vision and future.

Sight-restoring surgery changes everything
Children who have their vision restored are given an average of 50 years of sight, allowing them to go to school, play with friends and lead healthy, productive lives.


You can make a difference in a child's life. Click here to make a donation today.

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