Nicole Spencer and James Rankin

inspiring seva donors fall 2016

Nicole and James have been incredible supporters of Seva for the last 5 years. They started their fundraising page in 2011 as part of their wedding registry and have fundraised for many different milestones since, from James’ 30th birthday, to their daughter Claire’s birth in 2013 and now Maëlle’s birth in October 2015:

“For Maëlle's arrival, we created a 50:50 baby pool game. For a $5 fee, participants were asked to predict the baby's birth date, time, weight, and sex. The person with the closest guess received half of the winnings, and the other half went to Seva. Nicole and I also matched the total amount donated to Seva. In April, we traveled to Toronto to celebrate Maëlle's arrival with our extended families. This ceremony also provided an excellent opportunity to ask our families to donate to Seva, in lieu of gifts. 

Nicole's father has volunteered countless hours to Seva for nearly 30 years. As a result, Nicole has been fortunate enough to see firsthand the organization's impact on the lives of so many. We are inspired by the many ways that Seva's work makes the world a better place.”

Since they started fundraising, Nicole, James, Claire and Maëlle have helped restore the sight of 130 people!


Nick Radulovich

inspiring seva donors fall 2016

Nick set out to raise $1,000 for Seva in the fall of 2015. He met with so much success he soon doubled his goal!

“My father's blindness was what actually led me to take part. At a very young age, I realized that my father had difficulties with his vision. About ten years ago my father had gotten into an industrial accident by getting electrocuted which permanently damaged his vision and led him to become legally blind. I see how hard it is for him, and I will continue to help others who struggle daily from blindness.”

Nick plans to resume fundraising again now that he has graduated from high school. So far Nick has raised enough to restore the sight of 34 people and provide glasses for 5 people.

Atmo Katz

If you see a roadside produce stand in Senneville, QC, make sure you stop, it might be Atmo’s! For the last twenty years, Atmo has been using her passions for painting and gardening to fundraise for Seva.

“My first passion is painting and it brought me to Seva about 20 years ago, just thinking of the precious gift of sight. Every year I auction off a painting with all proceeds to Seva under the theme "Art with a Vision.” My second passion is gardening and it also raises funds for Seva. A veggie stand by the road sells my surplus, preserves and jams. The sign says ‘Take something - pay something’ a total win-win situation. Good veggies and fruit for good works...both give me great satisfaction and motivation to continue. Thanks for all the good work and letting me participate!”

Using these two passions, Atmo has provided glasses for 158 people to see clearly again.

inspiring seva donors fall 2016

Read the full Fall 2016 Eye Contact Newsletter.

Sight Stories and News

  • A Daughter's Hope For Her Mother

    “I want my mother to have light and happiness again. That is my hope for my mother,” said Maguaye's daughter in Ethiopia.

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  • Art for Sight

    What do you get when you bring together two committed Seva Canada supporters, one incredible artist, a beautiful beachside home and an inspired community? An art show fundraiser for Seva Canada that raised enough to restore the sight of 40 people!

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  • Evidence Informed Practice Program

    In an effort to improve monitoring, evaluation and operational research capacity at program partner eye hospitals, Seva has launched the Evidence Informed Practice (EIP) program.

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