Three women, Huan, Kit and Ban, were all born in the same village in rural Cambodia, and have been friends their entire lives.

Huan kit and Ban, Best Friends, Seva Canada, Cambodia

Huan, Kit and Ban (above from left to right) ©Aaron Cumming

They were together when their husbands were killed during the Khmer Rouge regime, and supported one another as they rebuilt their lives and cared for their children and grandchildren.

Eventually, all three lost their sight to cataracts and relied on each other to stay well and safe.

Huan could only recognize people by voice. Kit constantly burnt herself cooking. Ban couldn’t even see the bumpy road outside her house, let alone walk unassisted.

Everyday life was dangerous.

Huan kit and Ban, Best Friends, Seva Canada, Cambodia

Huan, Kit and Ban having their eyes examined by a Seva field worker. ©Aaron Cumming

In 2016, thanks to Seva donors, all three women had their sight restored. They have regained their independence. They cook for their families, play with their grandchildren and enjoy one another's company.

Their sight would not be possible without the support of Seva donors. Awkoon! Thank you!

Huan kit and Ban, Best Friends, Seva Canada, Cambodia

Huan, Kit and Ban telling their story. ©Aaron Cumming

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