Baby Rashid's mother Marian wants him to be a doctor, just like the doctors who saved his sight.

Marian was 21 when she became pregnant with Rashid, in a dusty village in northern Tanzania. Little Rashid was 2-months-old when she realized he had something wrong with his eyes. He was clearly in pain, tearing up constantly. Worst of all, she was not sure if her baby could see.

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Marian and her baby boy Rashid. © Ellen Crystal Photography

She knew she had to get help for her son, but her husband was unable to accompany them to the doctor. He couldn't afford to leave work even for a day, and Marian was afraid to travel alone. She hoped Rashid would get better on his own.

Rashid's eye problems continued, and when he was 10 months Marian finally decided she must take matters into her own hands. She traveled on the back of a neighbor's motorcycle to Musoma, clutching little Rashid all the way to keep him safe as best she could. Here, a local ophthalmologist named Dr. Gendo could see her child.

Dr. Gendo said that Rashid has a relatively simple problem - an infection easy to cure but devastating if left untreated for much longer, as it could lead to corneal scarring and permanent blindness. He prescribed medication and showed Marian how to administer the eye drops. She understands now that blindness would have followed had they not come in for treatment, and thanks to the donors who made it possible for this local eye care team to provide such good care to her community.

An infection easy to cure but devastating if left untreated for much longer, as it could lead to corneal scarring and permanent blindness.

Happily, Rashid can now see very well, and Marian can continue to dream of a bright future ahead for her son with a lifetime of good vision to look forward to.

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Marian looks forward to a bright future for Rashid. © Ellen Crystal Photography

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