Thank you for joining us! On November 14, 2024, we hosted our Annual General Meeting (AGM), both inperson and virtually. This year’s program focused on The Evolution of Seva Canada’s Programs. Guests were welcomed by Board co-chairs Jill Guthrie and Marty Spencer, followed by the approval of the 2023 AGM minutes.
The business portion of the AGM included the RHN Chartered Professional Accountants auditor’s report for Seva Canada’s fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, and RHN was reappointed as Seva’s auditor for another year. The business portion ended with the election of the board of directors, during which we welcomed aboard two new board members: Michael Rapps and Anna King.

Following the business portion, Liz Brant, Executive Director, shared exciting news of Seva Canada’s work expanding to support new programs in Peru and India. Liz introduced our special guests visiting from India: Dr. GVS Murthy (President, PRASHO Foundation) and Priya Reddy (Seva Canada program research consultant). They shared personal stories, describing how their life paths had taken them to Seva. They spoke about the work they’re doing with Seva Canada to use and share research and evidence to improve programs, as well as their plans to grow this work over the coming years, changing even more lives through the power of sight.
The evening concluded by honouring 30 donors who have supported Seva Canada’s work for over 25 years.