Congratulations to Dr. Larry Louie and Paolo Patruno, two of Seva’s supporters and contributing photographers for winning  grand prize and runner up, respectively, in the 3rd edition of the CL!CK ABOUT IT (CL!CK 3) international photography competition. Organized by the European Journalism Centre (EJC), Oxfam International, and the European Commission, the competition had more than 250 participants. The topic of the photo competition was “Aid,” specifically: how aid is changing the local community; what kinds of activities and campaigns in developed countries are being carried out to “aid” the less/least developed world. What a fitting topic for both Larry and Paolo to showcase their amazing documentary-style humanitarian photography. The grand prize was awarded to Larry Louie because he was the photographer who best showcased the “story-telling” of photojournalism. “His photographs show the strength and perseverance that mark people the world over, revealing the light sometimes found in dark places” ( Larry won the opportunity to go on a reporting trip in early 2012 to a number of Oxfam-run projects. Larry Louie winning photo in CL!CK 3 photo contest

Larry Louie "Courage."

Paolo Patruno was one of only 3 runners-up and won a 500 Euro Amazon gift card. His amazing photographic work for Seva in Malawi was a part of his entry and focused on the activities at the Lions Sight First Eye Hospital in Blantyre.  The program focuses mainly on children with cataract providing appropriate treatment including surgery, follow- up and provision of prescription glasses. Little Malawi boy receiving cataract surgery" CL!CK 3 Paolo Patruno photo

Paolo Patruno "I will see my future."

Seva is so fortunate to have such talented, award-winning photographers who are able to capture the people and the work that we do in such an engaging, honest and impactful way. Congratulations!

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