Day 1:  Up early for the group for a healthy breakfast followed by a briefing now that heads were clear after a good night's sleep. Vajra Hotel is located directly underneath the Monkey Temple and so for the group it was a great place to stretch the legs and try out some bargaining skills.  The weather is amazing and warm, although the dusty air is certainly challenging on the lungs. At 2pm we met Raju Tuladhar, the Nepali artist who will accompany us on the trip.  Then  a quick trip into Thamel - the tourist area - to change money and appreciate the craziness of this part of the city.  People are well and happy and tomorrow we head to Begnas and some peace and quiet by the lake. We also had some messages from Kandel from the Seva Nepal office who has some lovely surprises lined up for us. We cant wait to see some of the Seva work. Wanda

Sight Stories and News

  • A Daughter's Hope For Her Mother

    “I want my mother to have light and happiness again. That is my hope for my mother,” said Maguaye's daughter in Ethiopia.

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  • Art for Sight

    What do you get when you bring together two committed Seva Canada supporters, one incredible artist, a beautiful beachside home and an inspired community? An art show fundraiser for Seva Canada that raised enough to restore the sight of 40 people!

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  • Evidence Informed Practice Program

    In an effort to improve monitoring, evaluation and operational research capacity at program partner eye hospitals, Seva has launched the Evidence Informed Practice (EIP) program.

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