Leboo is a young Maasai boy living in the Ngorongoro district of Tanzania.

Leboo started losing his vision at the age of three. His family and community were unsure of how to help Leboo. Life was a constant struggle; he wasn’t able to go to school, do chores or play with other children. 

That is until a visit from a Seva-sponsored eye care team changed everything. Leboo was diagnosed with treatable bilateral cataracts, received round-trip transportation to a medical centre and underwent sight-restoring cataract surgery - all at no cost. 

Young boy smiling and reading a book with his caregiver

Leboo reading with his caregiver post-surgery

After the surgery, Leboo was a different boy. He became curious and enthusiastic, asking the words for things around him that he was seeing for the first time. Leboo has been registered in a nursery school and can now go and happily play with his peers. He is thriving and enjoying life the way all children should, thanks to Seva donors like you.

young boy having eyes examined by eye doctor, doctor shining light into boys eyes

Leboo at his first follow-up after surgery

Young boy holding hands with caregiver and walking down set of stairs

Leboo exploring the world around him after surgery

Leboo’s sight, and his bright future would not be possible without your support. We cannot thank you enough for helping kids like Leboo see.

Sight Stories and News

  • A Daughter's Hope For Her Mother

    “I want my mother to have light and happiness again. That is my hope for my mother,” said Maguaye's daughter in Ethiopia.

    Blog | May 1st, 2024
  • Art for Sight

    What do you get when you bring together two committed Seva Canada supporters, one incredible artist, a beautiful beachside home and an inspired community? An art show fundraiser for Seva Canada that raised enough to restore the sight of 40 people!

    Blog | March 14th, 2024
  • Evidence Informed Practice Program

    In an effort to improve monitoring, evaluation and operational research capacity at program partner eye hospitals, Seva has launched the Evidence Informed Practice (EIP) program.

    Blog | March 14th, 2024