• Sot Nikum Eye Camp

    This summer, a group of Seva staff and donors traveled to Cambodia to observe your donations at work at an eye camp in Sot Nikum, Siem Reap province. Khon is one of just 336 patients who had their sight restored, all thanks to you!

    Sight stories | August 10th, 2017
  • Through the Eyes of a Donor

    Longtime Seva Canada donor Gloria Sutcliffe shares a first-hand account of her experience visiting Seva's programs in Cambodia this past summer.

    Blog | August 10th, 2017
  • Global Blindness set to triple by 2050

    Research published in the Lancet Global Health predicts that without increased funding and access to eye care services, the number of people worldwide who are blind will rise from 36 million to 115 million by 2050.

    In the news | August 4th, 2017
  • Retiree raises funds for Seva with bread-making workshop

    6 years ago, Pat Hogue started inviting friends into her home to learn how to make artisan bread in exchange for donations to Seva in hopes of raising $300. She has since met and exceeded this goal, raising over $20,000 for Seva!

    In the news | July 18th, 2017
  • Double Your Impact and Enter Seva to Win!

    An anonymous Seva donor knows just how many blind people's lives can be changed if Seva wins Canada Helps' Great Canadian Giving Challenge $10,000 prize so much so that they have offered to match any donation made in June up to another $10,000!

    Blog | June 5th, 2017
  • Three Blind Brothers

    Telolahy, a poor farmer in rural Madagascar worried about his three sons' vision and future. Fortunately, Seva donors made it possible for them to receive the surgeries they needed to lead healthy lives.

    Sight stories | June 1st, 2017