• Eye Care a Stone's Throw Away

    Fear, poverty, and a lack of education don’t cause blindness but they certainly prevent people from accessing care when it’s available and free. Through outreach and screening, Seva donors ensure eye care is available starting at everyone’s front door.

    Blog | February 15th, 2017
  • Visiting an Eye Camp in Battambang

    Board Member Dr. Marty Spencer is currently in Cambodia training ophthalmologists on surgical techniques. Marty’s niece and her family, who are long-time Seva supporters, happened to be in Cambodia at the same time and stopped in to watch the Seva team in action.

    Blog | February 1st, 2017
  • Share the Love!

    Jeet Bahadur and his wife Devakali went blind together. Thanks to generous Seva donors, they both received the surgery and care they needed to see each other and the world around them again.

    Sight stories | January 30th, 2017
  • Stories of Aravind Capacity Building: Learning from Others

    The story of Aravind Eye Care System’s (AECS) external capacity building legacy is more than just about management, systems and processes. Understanding much of what makes AECS unique can be gleaned from the many narratives and personal experiences of the physicians and staff who, through their passion and commitment, have contributed to preventing unnecessary blindness in disadvantaged areas throughout the world. Just as Dr. Venkataswamy’s (Dr. V) own story so strongly reflects the soul and mission of Aravind, so too do the stories of AECS’ dedicated trainers and mentors serve as a lens into the motivations, struggles and benefits that AECS itself derives as an organization committed to serving others.

    Blog | January 25th, 2017
  • Twinning with Sight

    Sharuk and Suhail are twin boys living in India. When they were just four, it was discovered that they both suffered from cataracts. Thanks to Seva donors, they received the surgery they needed to return to being happy and healthy boys with bright futures ahead.

    Sight stories | December 1st, 2016
  • Help Kids See

    For young children, particularly those younger than school age, the chance that they will be treated for eye problems is almost zero. Executive Director Penny Lyons speaks to the challenges of pediatric eye care, at Seva's 2016 Annual General Meeting.

    Blog | November 18th, 2016
  • 5 Ways you can Give Sight on #GivingTuesdayCA

    #GivingTuesdayCA is a Canadian movement for giving and volunteering, taking place each year after Cyber Monday. It's a day where charities, companies and individuals join together to share commitments, rally for favourite causes and think about others. In celebration of #GivingTuesdayCA, here are 5 ways you can #GiveSight.

    Blog | November 16th, 2016
  • Sweating for Sight

    This October, the fitness community in Vancouver gathered together to use the power of sweat to give the power of sight.

    Blog | November 1st, 2016