
If you are interested in joining us, please fill out our Volunteer Questionnaire and email it to admin@seva.ca.
All help is appreciated!
Firoz Mahmud
Seva volunteer
Overseas opportunities: Eye Care Program Volunteers
Volunteer ophthalmologists and other professionals greatly enhance the work of Seva’s eye care programs around the world.
In each country where Seva works, we focus on building the capacity of local program partners to deliver excellent eye care services. This is the key to building sustainable programs that can take root and grow.
Seva is only able to develop volunteer opportunities that meet our program partners’ specific needs, so opportunities are very limited; projects typically involve training or consulting. Seva works with volunteer ophthalmologists and professionals who can:
- Help train and mentor local staff seeking to improve eye care services (from either a clinical, research or management perspective)
- Consider making a commitment to volunteer a few weeks every year, if possible
Seva is unable to cover any volunteer expenses, such as travel costs, lodging, per diems, or remuneration of any kind. Our volunteers cover their own expenses, and we consider this to be a donation to Seva Canada.
If you are interested in volunteering overseas, please contact us.