The mother of this baby will never see his darling face because she had an eye infection that permanently damaged her eyes. A $2.50 bottle of antibiotic drops could have saved her sight and changed her life. Photo courtesy of Jo-Ann Labron

A little goes a long way in Cambodia. Seva's eye care programs are effective, efficient and get amazing results. Even a very small gift can make a difference and changes lives. One of the last patients we saw at the eye camp in Siem Reap a couple of weeks ago was a young mother holding her baby. The woman was blind in both eyes and had to be led to the eye camp by her friend in the hope that she could regain her sight. Tragically, she had had an eye infection about four years ago that was left untreated because she didn't have access to care. The damage to her eyes was permanent and she will never see her child (see photo). Just $2.50 would have purchased a bottle of antibiotic eye drops that would have saved her sight and changed the course of her life. Please give generously to support Seva’s work in Cambodia. Donate today at Our urgent need is for $4000 to cover these items:
  • poor patient subsidies
  • medicines and supplies
  • poor patient transportation
  • and primary school and orphanage screening.
Here's a slide show of photos of the January eye camp in Battambang, Siem Reap and Banteay Meanchey provinces taken by Seva supporter, Jo-Ann Labron

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