You can bring your friends and family together to help restore sight and change lives! It’s easy - start your own fundraising campaign and use the power of your network.

Whether you promise to climb a mountain, sing in public, give up your birthday gifts, or simply inspire your friends and family by sharing Seva’s mission, you can help restore sight to those who live in the farthest corners of the globe!

Check out how these fundraisers met their goals and helped restore sight in developing countries:


Seva Canada Fundraiser

When 9-year-old Aneesa learned about Seva’s work, she felt inspired to help. She created a presentation to raise funds for Seva, to provide children with prescription glasses. She sent the presentation to her friends and family and encouraged them to donate. So far, Aneesa has raised $555, enough for prescription glasses for 111 children in developing countries.

Check out her fundraising page for inspiration.


Laura Spencer

Laura Spencer Seva Canada

For her Seva fundraiser, Laura cycled 200 km in two days to from Toronto to London, Ontario to visit her 99-year-old grandma.

To reach her grandma and her fundraising goal, she set up a training routine and a fundraising page. She invited people to her page through personal social networks. Family and friends donated, including coworkers and old friends who came out of the woodwork to support her ride! In the end, she exceeded her goal and raised over $2400 for her 200km adventure. Laura describes the experience in her own words:

The most challenging part was the day I rode 150km when thunderstorms were threatening all around (a tornado was spotted outside Waterloo that day!). It was a long push to the finish. In spite of the challenges, I focused on my end goal - imagining how people’s lives would change after cataract surgery and the ripple effect that will have in their families and communities was very powerful.

I just pictured a child being able to go to school or a mom seeing her baby for the first time, all work done by Seva that I've witnessed. It made my grueling work worth it.

What surprised me was how energized I was at the end of the ride! In fact, I had more energy than I had at the beginning of the ride. My body was exhausted, but I felt an amazing, exhilarating rush. I wanted to share the experience with everyone.

I encourage everyone to find their own challenge to conquer and create a fundraising page. You will have a global impact through Seva’s work!

 Check out Laura’s fundraiser here.

Elliana Wayne

Seva Canada Fundraiser

10-year-old Ellie learned about Seva through a charity project at school. It made her realize how hard it must be for some families around the world to decide between eating and seeing.

 “If I can help and get some of my friends and family to help, for every $50 a family would not have to be faced with such a difficult choice.”

She asked her friends and family for donations, taking around a folder of information so that she could tell people about Seva’s work. In addition to pursuing her goal of raising $250 to restore sight to 5 people, she also donated $50 from her own money. About her work, Ellie says, “It makes me feel like I can really help to change someone's life.”

“It makes me feel like I can really help to change someone's life.”

Create your own fundraising page before June 30th and raise $150 - which can provide sight-restoring cataract surgery for 3 people in remote and rural communities in developing countries!

We’ve got tools, tips and resources to help you along the way. Need a little extra support? Contact us! We’re here to help.

Together we can make sure that the power of sight is within everyone’s reach.

                               Start A Fundraiser


Sight Stories and News

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