Since the start of 2016, you have helped:

Create ONE new Community Eye Centre - Mwanza, Malawi


Kralanh Eye Camp Cambodia

125 women and 62 men receive sight-restoring cataract surgery during a 4-day eye camp - Kralanh, Cambodia


Madagascar Child

 188 children with eye conditions receive the care they need for a bright future - Eastern Madagascar


Women and Girls Blog

THOUSANDS more people in 13 developing countries receive the power of sight!


From Cambodia to Nepal to Burundi to Guatemala, every single day, people are receiving life-changing care thanks to donors like you.

Sight Stories and News

  • A Daughter's Hope For Her Mother

    “I want my mother to have light and happiness again. That is my hope for my mother,” said Maguaye's daughter in Ethiopia.

    Blog | May 1st, 2024
  • Art for Sight

    What do you get when you bring together two committed Seva Canada supporters, one incredible artist, a beautiful beachside home and an inspired community? An art show fundraiser for Seva Canada that raised enough to restore the sight of 40 people!

    Blog | March 14th, 2024
  • Evidence Informed Practice Program

    In an effort to improve monitoring, evaluation and operational research capacity at program partner eye hospitals, Seva has launched the Evidence Informed Practice (EIP) program.

    Blog | March 14th, 2024