Jeet Bahadur and his wife, Devakali, were married for more than 50 years. Although they were poor, they ran a small farm and raised four children together.

Sadly, Jeet and Devakali also went blind together. A couple of years ago, their vision was so bad that Jeet needed help dressing and bathing and Devakali could barely manage to do household chores or prepare food.

Jeet Bahdur and Devakali

After hearing about a Seva-sponsored eye camp in a nearby town, the couple walked for two and a half days to reach it. Although they were both diagnosed with operable cataracts, Devakali was hesitant to get surgery as she worried about who would take care of her husband during his recovery.

Once the eye camp staff assured Devakali that they'd both be taken care of and that recovery time was short, both she and Jeet were admitted for cataract surgery.

Jeet Bahdur and Devakali after surgery

When the bandages came off, Jeet and Devakali were moved to tears as they saw each other’s faces for the first time in years.

Jeet Bahdur and Devakali returning home after surgery

As they walked back to their village, Jeet and Devakali looked in amazement at the world around them, grateful to the generous Seva donors, like you, who had made their surgeries possible.

Thank You from Jeet Bahdur and Devakali!

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