This summer, a group of Seva staff and donors travelled to Cambodia to observe your donations at work at an eye camp in Sot Nikum, Siem Reap province. We captured stories from some of the 336 patients who received life-changing eye surgery over 6 days thanks to your generous support.

One recipient of your support was Khon. Here is her story. Khon arrived at the screening site on the back of a motorbike driven by her neighbour. Despite the loss of independence she’d experienced as her vision faded, she had a smile on her face as she told us her story. She’d recently moved in with her daughter because she could no longer live alone safely with such poor vision. Khon hoped that with her vision restored she could bake and sell Khmer cakes to help with the household income.

Chong after surgery with bandage over her eye

After surgery

Diagnosed with bilateral cataracts, Khon had surgery in both eyes over two days. When her bandages were removed, her eyes widened in surprise as she realized she could read the hospital sign. She was amazed at how clearly she could see and was excited about everything she’d be able to do on her own again – go to the bathroom, walk down the street, cook dinner for her grandchildren and bake cakes!

Chong after surgery with her family

Happy homecoming

When Khon returned home, her daughter was waiting. Both women had tears in their eyes when they greeted one another, knowing the difference Khon’s restored vision would have on both of their lives.

Khon’s story wouldn’t be possible without your generosity. On behalf of the 336 patients whose sight was restored at the Sot Nikum eye camp, thank you!

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